
s i y a 

"Mam" a faint voice came from the other side, more like a whisper but not enough to gain my attention as I'm staring at my phone screen.

Taping my index finger on the back of my phone, I continues my stare at the message from someone.

Certain someone, i guess.

It's been three days since i left his place, more like sneak out. Not my fault but after those flashbacks; my attempts to undress him, which I shouldn't. I just can't face him, right? I mean just think, I walked to him and said 'thank you for tolerating me last night' that would be so embarrassing.

Also it's been three days since I'm his girlfriend; which is not true. I didn't decline them or prove them wrong till now because of two reasons. One; my shares they were increasing, even the ratio is not big but still they are.

Second; dad, he's been asking me about how all this happened and I don't have any justification right now. I can't say this to him that 'did you know I was about to be kidnapped last night and someone non-other than Veer Singh Oberoi takes me to his home'.

So I just dropped this topic, for now.

But why he didn't clear this from his side? I can't see any reason behind not clearing them, does he have some sort of interest in me? or he just doesn't care.

Second one seems more acceptable. Why would he be interested in me?

Stupid of me.

"Mam" Ivan's voice brings me back from my thoughts. My gaze lift from my phone to him, I realised I was zoning out for a long time. His face holds some nervousness as he's looking in my eyes.

Here we go,

Ivan Kapoor, 25 year-old same age as mine. Blue eyes with soft face features, lean yet muscular figure with around 6'2 height. A golden retriever energy boy, whose all energy drains out whenever he's near me.

Point to be noted he's a cute and a handsome man; not my type. I prefer hot ones over cute ones.

Important thing is why he's always nervous around me? I know the answer, in his internship days -1 year ago- he used to bring coffee for the staff and for me. One day he accidentally spill coffee on me and to his luck I was in a terrible mood that day, indeed become a bad day for him as well.

Regaining my thoughts, I zoned out my thoughts.

I arch my brows in sense of asking why he's calling me. Placing my phone on my desk, I rotate my chair to face him full.

He gulped nervously before saying "there's someone outside who wants to meet you, that's-s why I'm calling for the past 10 minutes" he shuttered at the last part.

"And who's that someone?" I asked mocking the someone word, pressing my lips in a thin line giving him a tight smile.

This someone or certain someone is getting on my nerves more like making me confuse by a single message.

"Ekansh Agnihotri" one name and anger rushed in my veins. He's my rival and for information he thinks that we have a thing together while playing this rival-rival game.

Dumb asshole.

"Let him in" I said placing my elbow on the table while pressing my fingers on my side forehead. Now I have to deal with him. As well as with all this shit.

I didn't notice when Ivan left until a loud door opening sound came; he better didn't break the door. Lifting my eyes up I stare at the creature in front of me, whose hands were now in his pockets and his face holds some sort of disapproval or disappointment, why?

Oh my dating articles!

Ekansh Agnihotri, 29 year-old men. He did have strong facial features but I barely  notice them. He was my senior in college, more like a lovesick asshole. Always tries to impress girls; failed to me.

And that thing hurt his ego that's why he's after me, all over again and again.

But I don't give a damn fuck about that.

"Oh hi Mr.Agnihotri what brings you here" I ask in sarcasm while throwing my right hand in air, as a high-air-hello-wave.

"Hi Siya, I was just passing by" he replied walking closer to my desk from the left side. His face lifts up with a small smile as he stands in side of me; about to hug me. Caution!

"I hope your passing by time will end soon as I have too much work" I said, turning my chair facing opposite him and stood up with a halt and starts walking towards the couch area. I know he tightens his fist cause this is what I do every time, Avoid his touches.

Sitting on the armchair I gestured him to sit as well, clenching his jaw he walked towards me and sat down on the couch beside me.

"You know na 1billion auction ceremony is coming" he asked giving me a small smile. I chuckled at his words; more like at his audacity to ask me the same question for about 4th time, I think.

"And you know I would never attend that auction" I scoffed suppressing my chuckle, looking directly in his eyes I added "with you" his expression turned dark; anger, embarrassed.

"May I know why not me?" He asked in a normal tone but I know it's more like a threat to him.

"There's no reason for me to go there with you" I spat back while standing from my chair. I walked to my desk, I can feel burning glare behind my back.

I fetch my phone and opened that certain someone's message, which he has sent 3hr ago. I didn't left him on seen;  I read that message from the notifications.

"When I already have a boyfriend" I added, waving my phone in my hand.

See, how easily I'm lying; not fully.

My face held a proud smile because this was the first time I don't have to make stupid accuses just to not go with him.

I know the moment I'll say yes to him for the ceremony, he won't left any chance to show me as his girl in front of whole media. Which seems a pretty fucked up thing to me, I'll die but never be his girl; even in my nightmares.

He's still seating on the couch glaring at me. A moment pass and he slowly lifts up and strolled towards me, his steps are long enough to cover the whole distance in just 6 steps and he stands in front of me.

I'm not afraid of him; he wouldn't do anything or he can't do anything, Both of them. For the past 4 years he just came and ask me for the ceremony and I declined them as usual.

Sometimes he did calls me just to rant some nonsense about how some girls were dying for him or how nice it would be if we start dating.

I don't hate him, I just hate the person inside his own flesh. He's a monster; all though he didn't show me his that side but I'm sure he will.

Raising my head high enough to look into his eyes, I stare back. He was about to say something but his phone rang, giving me a glare he pull out his phone from his blazer. Sensing his face reactions; his anger increased a little.

"I would like to meet your boyfriend" he mocked me before answering his phone and rushed out from my cabin. I inhale a relaxed breath. But then his words echoed in my ears.

Meet my boyfriend who? That certain someone?

No way, even I'm not meeting him.

I closed my eyes and lean back on my desk, pressing my lower back on desk while placing my hands on either side of my waist. I start to collect my thoughts.

My mind still filled with those vivid moments of us, I can still feel how hard his chest was at that time. When i receive a message today at first I thought it was a spam one, that's why I told Ivan to search this number; it turns out to be his number.

Well, Should I reply to him? But what will I say? As far as I remember he did said something related to ceremony and deal but dumbass me can't even read that fully in the meaningful time. I think I should reply to him, yes.

I extend my hand to backwards in search of my phone, papers come in contact with my hand but that damn phone didn't even bother to be found.

I flinched with a sudden phone call sound, opening up my eyes I turned back and picked up my phone. My eyes stopped at where the caller id shows.

It's him.

Should I answer it? Or just pretend I never heard it?

Maybe I should answer him, if in any case I offend him it'll cost me too much; my increasing shares, my deal with him which I have to make it.

Releasing a deep breath, I swipe the green dot to answer it.

"Hello am I talking to Siya — Malhotra?" Deep yet calm voice came from the other side, which almost flipped something in my stomach.

Should I ask him 'who is this' where I already know who is this someone? Not a good idea.

Damn it Siya!

"Yes you're talking to Siya Malhotra" I answered and immediately regrets, how bad my voice sounds right now.

"Oh here I thought it was a wrong number" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause it's been three hour and I didn't get a reply to my text" he replied to my question. I should have already replied to him; better than embarrassing myself on a call.

That's why I always hate calls; texts are much better at least you can hide your emotions behind those emojis.

"I must have been busy at that time" I said with a small and low fake laugh.

"So you texted me? Why so" I added and sound like I didn't ogle at his text from the moment it sent. It's just I was curious, why he sent me a text; nothing else.

"I was thinking about the deal you offered me on our business-meeting-date" he answered with the same calm tone yet I feel shivers runs through my spine as he mentioned the date.

"So I was thinking why not discuss it in the auction ceremony as your deal contains some points on that" he added.

In auction ceremony? means for that deal I have to go there as a guest. But how so I don't have their invitation. Because I'm still not a member of their club; but I will be in sometime. For that I have to make this deal with him.

I should tell him to meet somewhere else as without invitation I can't enter in. Some restaurant would be nice.


"And for the invitation I have already sent it to you and you're most welcome there as my date for a night" he said bringing me back from my messed up brain fights.

A replay plays in my mind as I heard the date word. Did he just ask me to be his date as for a night? I have never been there; the billion club. I did went to auctions sometimes, full of people gossip around, after ceremony party -dance and food- they are good as hell.

"But let's just consider it as a business meeting" I replied because in hell no way I'll touch a single drop of alcohol there, seeing my latest articles I don't want more.

A chuckle left out from his mouth as he said "okay, as my rumoured girlfriend says" and I stumble a little on my legs as I'm still standing, more like roaming around here and there in my cabin for the past 10 minutes; since I answered his call.

"haha" I let out a fake laugh to show pretend as if he crack some joke.

A creek sound of door opening came and I turned around. Ivan walked inside and closes the door slowly there were some files in his hands, he turns around and walked to my desk and place those files there.

Just to end this awkward situation I answered to Veer in a low yet firm tone "I-I have to go my PA has to ask me something".

Smooth move Siya!

"Yeah okay" he quickly respond. I replied back with 'okay then it's final on Friday night, we'll meet' and he just hummed in response.

I was about to cut the call when he suddenly said "Uh- Siya just don't wear red to the ceremony"

"W-What?" I questioned immediately but my battery died at the fucking moment.

what did he mean by don't wear red? Did I look horrible in red? No way I look horrible in red, it's my favourite colour. I didn't even get a chance to hear his answer, how unlucky I am and a dumb for sure who forgot to charge her phone.

But wait how can he say something like this to someone, forgot someone it's me whom he said. Such a jerk he is.

I clutch my phone and glared at Ivan, whose face fell dull. I strolled towards my desk and sat on my chair. There was some sort of anger in me but this time I decide not to throw it on Ivan.

I close my eyes tightly to regain my calmness. Once I regain them I said to Ivan 

"I want a dress in Red colour" he looked at me for sometime in some confusion but afterwards he nods and went out of the cabin.

I lean back on my chair and close my eyes. Whether he meant something or not,  I'm going there.

In a fucking Red dress.

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